Librarian, Documentalist, Bibliophile, Bibliographer, Embedded Librarian or a Librarian by some other Name?
"Documentation is the process of collecting and subject classifying all the records of new observations and making them available, at need, to the discoverer or the inventor." Documentation, (p. 10, 1948). Quoted in in Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations, Edited by Mohamed Taher and L S S R Valluri Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423, (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) (p. 51).
"The information transfer chain begins with initial generation and exposition of information. This is the business entirely of the working scientist. The later steps, such as indexing, cataloguing, and retrieving are traditionally the job of documentalist." Scientific Communication, Key Papers in Information Science, 1971. p. 21. Quoted in in Dictionary of Library and Information Science Quotations, Edited by Mohamed Taher and L S S R Valluri Ramaiah. ISBN: 8185689423, (New Delhi , Aditya, 1994) (p. 376).
Whatever is their name/title, librarians are now more than ever in need a name that which is appropriate with the ever changing face of libraries.
We are not sure what this librarian's profession will be called in 2020/2050. However, we know that it was called Library Economy since 1876, and Library Science since 1942. In short, the field has different names, such as, Librarianship, Library Science, Documentation, Bibliography, Information Management, Knowledge Management, Library and Information Science, Information Science, Embedded librarianship, Digital librarianship, etc. Is this because as some feel: Having no “umbrella definition,” librarianship means different things in different settings (Gerhardt, 1978, p. 4)?
In tracing the changing names of the field of librarians, we need to do a quick re-cap on the emergence of a term 'Documentation' esp., in India in 1960s and then its disappearance in 2000s from libraries, information management related job titles, and library schools:
- Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC) at Bangalore was established in January 1962 by Dr. SR Ranganathan, to train a special brand of librarians. Very similar was the reason of founding the Indian National Scientific Documentation Centre (INSDOC in Delhi--link inactive:; both offering a course called Associateship--DRTC's Associateship in Documentation and Information Science (ADIS); and INSDOC's “Associateship in Documentation and Reprography, later re-named in 1977 as Associateship in Information Science (AIS)--More about the present face of INSDOC @ NISCAIR's brochure of the course, last updated : 2010. Since that date to the recent days, at least in India, Masters degree in Library/Information Science from a recognized university or Associate ship from INSDOC/DRTC were considered equivalents. In 2002 we heard of (continuing the AIS Master's) the merger of INSDOC with NISCOM; and Since, 2008 DRTC's ADIS has been changed to Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MS-LIS).
- Librarian vs. Documentalist: Book Smarts | reComparison
- Education for Italian School Librarians and Documentalists
- Libraries and Documentation in Germany - American Society for ...
- Librarians or Baristas? November 26, 2012 By Matthew Reisz for Times Higher Education
- A scholar (WJ BRENNAN) had identified seven areas of documentation and librarianship, and the list includes, Coding for Mechanical Searching , equipment for storage..., Indexing.., translation, dissemination..., user requirements, and theoretical studies. (American Documentation, Volume 9, Issue 3, pages 184–191, August 1958)
- Librarianship and Documentation: Relationships in the United States, by FOSTER E. MOHRHARDT -- ("Although both documentation and librarianship stand on the common basis of providing effective access to all types of information, their methods of operation ...")
Z510 Introduction to Information Science - Fall 2012 --- 28, 2013 - Essay #1: Based on the readings and discussion in class, discuss the impact of the modern approach to documentation on librarianship.- The implications of name changes for library and ... -
- Ch-ch-ch-changes | A Librarian by Any Other Name
- Changing the Face of Librarianship | Hack Library School
Special Librarianship and Documentation - by JH SHERA
- Critical account of the literature review: Knowledge management and librarians and information managers / Giorgi Gianna (2004: It not difficult to see that documentation was librarianship with a few more components; information resources management was documentation with a few more ...)
- Five Challenges Every Librarian Must Face | 21st Century Library Blog
- See also the current state of the art in naming the journals in Library and information science: Selected Core List of Journals Containing Research Articles
Generalo Information Research: An Electronic International Journalo ( Journal of Librarianship and Information Scienceo ( Library & Information Science Researcho Library Quarterlyo Library Trendso New Review of Information and Library Research
Academic Librarieso College & Research Librarieso College & Undergraduate Librarieso Journal of Academic Librarianshipo Portal: Library and the AcademyArchiveso American Archivisto ArchivariaPublic Librarieso Public Librarieso Public Library Quarterlyo Scandinavian Public Library QuarterlySchool Librarieso Knowledge Quest (Formally School Library Media Quarterly)o School Libraries in Canadao School Libraries Worldwideo New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianshipo ( Subjectso Canadian Journal of Information and Library Scienceo Cataloging & Classification Quarterlyo Government Information Quarterlyo Information Processing & Managemento Internet Researcho Journal of Education for Library and Information Scienceo Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIS&T)o Journal of Documentationo LIBER Quarterlyo Reference Librarian
*Note: The amount of research content varies by journal title
Labels: Documentation, Information Management, Knowledge management, Librarianship
Yes Sir, the terms change and their meanings change, the purpose is lost in time. Some techniques so dear to the documentalists and bibliographers like abstracting, indexing and creating biliographies have become irrelevant in the modern era.
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