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Tuesday, October 01, 2013


JOINT LIBRARIES: MODELS THAT WORK, by Gunnels, Claire B., Green, Susan E. and Butler, Patricia M. Chicago : American Library Association, 2012.
About the book:
The joint-use college/public library can be an ideal solution to serving patrons while managing overextended resources, and this illuminating book scrutinizes successes and failures of the joint-use model. Three founding faculty librarians of a joint-use college/public library discuss the factors that should go into evaluating when and where a joint library is suitable. Incorporating lessons learned from five case studies, the authors
  • Include a short history of joint libraries, exploring how this model is a natural evolution from reciprocal borrowing, shared catalogs, and interlibrary loan
  • Explain how to manage all aspects of a joint-use library, including choices about the physical plant, decisions on contractual requirements, collection development, classification systems, cataloging and technical services issues, personnel, and more
  • Address emerging trends and best practices for serving students and the general public simultaneously
  • Offer interviews with administrators and staff in successful joint-use libraries
Anyone interested in joint-use libraries in particular, or radical ideas for extending resources in general, will want the information in this book.

Reviews by:
  • Joint Libraries: Models That Work, Review by Ann Agee, Reference  User Services Quarterly, ISSN 1094-9054, 04/2013, Volume 52, Issue 3, p. 257 
  • Joint Libraries: Models that Work Review by Alexandra Simons, Journal of Academic Librarianship, ISSN 0099-1333, 11/2012, Volume 38, Issue 6, p. 409 
  • Joint Libraries: Models That Work, Review by Holly Camino, Public Libraries, ISSN 0163-5506, 11/2012, Volume 51, Issue 6, p. 48
  • Joint Libraries: Models That Work,  Review, American Libraries, ISSN 0002-9769, 09/2012, Volume 43, Issue 9-10, p. 24 
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