International and Comparative Librarianship

S. R. Ranganathan, P. N. Kaula, R. N. Sharma, J. F. Harvey, D. J. Foskett, J. P. Danton, M. M. Jackson, etc.
This Blogosphere has a slant towards India [a.k.a Indica, Indo, South-Asian, Oriental, Bharat, Hindustan, Asian-Indian (not American Indian)].

Saturday, August 17, 2013

PhD Theses and Online Availability in India, Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt

PS. India of today has exceptions/unique characteristics even in academic scenario. The  extracts below, very nicely pinpoint the crux of the problem as far as the 'e-access' to the same is concerned. In terms of marketing and outreach by personal efforts of the individuals, there are many Indian dissertations in the market (many customized to meet the market; and hence no exact statistics will be available to quantify), some of these go out to reach a wider audience, with a permission of the university authorities. More and more dissertations are appearing via scholarly open presses--beware of what the critics say about this open source market. Ask me more about this pattern/approach.

"Locking away awarded PhD theses instead of publishing them for public and academic knowledge only encourages mediocrity and enhances poor academic practices. It also propagates unhealthy hierarchy among universities and hinders the advancement of knowledge. ..."
"Most Indian librarians are reluctant to allow others to consult and borrow earlier PhD theses probably because of the belief that it will enhance the chances of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is indeed an important issue, and it has been difficult to hinder it effectively in India where the use of detection softwares (such as Turnitin) is still rare, excepting in better-funded central universities like the JNU."  
"I am fully aware of the inequities in the world of knowledge production, and the mutual exclusion of different actors in it who seem to converse within their respective silos of knowledge. An argument, often made by academics, based in the less developed world, is that the unfair use of their research (“we are treated as sources of data by them”, “they take our stuff to theorise”) by their academic counterparts located in more developed countries. Such grievances are often genuine; I remember when I taught in Burdwan University in West Bengal, my 1990 book In Search of a Homeland on McCluskiegunge, the homeland planned by the Anglo-Indians in early 1930s, was used by a renowned British-based film company to make a film on the same name. Someone from the company’s local office visited my home, took copies of all the old documents and maps, never to return them and never to even acknowledge that the film’s name was borrowed from that of my book..." [sections in this article include: Different Academic Cultures, “Confidentiality Culture”] Continue reading: PhD Theses and Online Availability in India @ Economic and Political Weekly

On the same shelf:
  • What Ails Doctoral Research in Library and Information Science in India? by M.P. Satija, DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, Vol. 30, No. 5, September 2010, pp. 61-66 @ International and Comparative Librarianship  Blog -- Abstract: The paper discusses research in library and information science in India. It delves into the history of library and information science research crediting the institutionalisation of research to Ranganathan. While presenting the growth of the research, the article discusses the factors responsible for poor standards. It also provides an international comparison by citing examples at places.
  • The IFLA/FAIFE PhD Project, by Stuart Hamilton. Opening quote: "To what extent can libraries ensure free, equal and unhampered access to Internet-accessible information resources from a global perspective?"
  • Do Open Access Electronic Theses and Dissertations Diminish Publishing Opportunities in the Social Sciences and Humanities? College and Research Libraries by ML Ramirez  and others.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I agree on the one point in above article that the progress is slow in this direction. May like to report some efforts of JNU Library on ETD.I am pleased to inform you Central Library, JNU has successfully digitized its entire Theses & Dissertations collection (approx. 20000). Now current Theses & Dissertations are submitted to library in digital copy only. With this JNU ETD Archive has been created and the entire collection of theses & Dissertation of JNU is available online through Online Library Catalogue

At present JNU Faculty and Students may view/read/print/ download any these or dissertation from your desktop. With this achievement, Central Library, JNU is the first University Library in India to provide online access to its entire theses & dissertations collection.It is also now easier to check that some one may have not copied from old theses and dissertations. All English and Hindi Theses are in fully searchable PDF(A) file format. Others are in simple PDF(A) format.

The above access is restricted to JNU Intranet only. Online internal access to ETD @ JNU using VTLS-ILMS is the only one option implemented by Central Library, JNU. Creation of JNU ETD Archive using DSPACE is in progress. Soon all JNU theses and dissertations with an embargo period of 3 years will be accessible on INTERNET under JNU ETD Archive as well about 5000 theses will be soon deposited to Shodhganaga Repository of theses and Dissertations created by INFLIBNET.

JNU Library has provided Turnitin account to check plagiarism to all Faculty and Researchers. From Time to time workshops on how to write and get it published in Academic Journals and Books are also organised by the Library. An ETD Lab for researcher is being created at JNU Library.


Dr. Ramesh C Gaur
PGDCA, MLISc,Ph.D. Fulbright Scholar (Virgi

11:40 PM  

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