S. R. Ranganathan, P. N. Kaula, R. N. Sharma, J. F. Harvey, D. J. Foskett, J. P. Danton, M. M. Jackson, etc.
This Blogosphere has a slant towards India [a.k.a Indica, Indo, South-Asian, Oriental, Bharat, Hindustan, Asian-Indian (not American Indian)].
Friday, December 16, 2016
The 204-year-old Madras Literary Society in Chennai is getting a new lease of life, BBC
A new lease of life for a 200-year-old Indian library
The Madras Literary Society library located in the centre of the south Indian city of Chennai, formerly known as Madras.
It houses more than 55,000 books, including a huge collection of tomes that are between 150 and 300 years old.
From outside, the imposing red brick building, which was constructed in 1905, looks like something out of a British period movie.
The architectural style is typical of the Indo-Saracenic movement, favoured by the architects of British India in the late 19th Century.
On the same shelf: Librarianship and Library Science in India : An outline of historical perspectives. (Mohamed Taher and Donald Davis) New Delhi , Concept Publishing,1994
Libraries in the early 21st century, volume 1: An international perspective, Ed. by Ravindra Sharma / IFLA Headquarters, 2011 | Hardcover | RRP Euro [D] 99.95 / for USA, Canada, Mexico US$ 150.00. *
ISBN 978-3-11-027056-3
IFLA's International and Comparative Librarianship Communitas
ICL Communitas Launched:
A Web Resource for Teaching and Learning International and Comparative Librarianship Through International Collaboration. For further information, please contact Clara M. Chu, SET Member and ICL Coordinator. Continue reading
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