International and Comparative Librarianship
S. R. Ranganathan, P. N. Kaula, R. N. Sharma, J. F. Harvey, D. J. Foskett, J. P. Danton, M. M. Jackson, etc.
This Blogosphere has a slant towards India [a.k.a Indica, Indo, South-Asian, Oriental, Bharat, Hindustan, Asian-Indian (not American Indian)].
Elements of Digital Literacy - East and West
PS. This is a note to remind everyone that there is no one size fits all. Eastern/developing nations need a different strategy, and different approach, as agains the rest of the developed world. The following is excellent in the latter case:
- Digital Literacy and Multitasking @ startek
Extract: :About three years ago Doug Belshaw came up with the Eight C’s of Digital Literacy: Cultural [Cu], Cognitive [Cg], Constructive [Cn], Communication [Co], Confidence [Cf], Creative [Cr], Critical [Ct], and Civic [Ci]. This article briefly describes how each of these eight strategies might look in the classroom."
Read more »Labels: Digital Librarianship, Information literacy
Library users do have their say everywhere in a flat world
- Plan for book-less library in Newport scrapped after residents rally / Save Newport Library FB page
- Supporters declare their right to libraries -- In the spirit of our forefathers, supporters lined up to sign a “Declaration for the Right to Libraries” Saturday in Redford Township
- Kerala University promises favourable decision
Even as the Kerala University authorities had sought police help on Sunday to remove 11 students who were on a 'reading' protest at the Kariavattom campus library, on Monday they vowed their support to the students' demand for extended working hours of the library and said that the demand would be considered sympathetically.
- Community group must come forward to run Cockerton Library or it will close in 2016, councillor warns Northern Echo @
- Students sit on hunger strike,demand facilities in library - Hindustan Times
- TAMPA Tribune, — University of South Florida commits to restoring library hours, administrators said Thursday they will find the money to restore overnight
hours at the Tampa campus’ main library, leading students to declare victory
and cancel another planned protest -- info courtesy: Madhava Rao Adepu
- Hindustan Times, Students protest mismanagement of Punjabi University library, Alleging mismanagement of the Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha Library in
Punjabi University, students on Thursday staged a protest in front of the
library under the banner of Students Federation of India (SFI), and
restricted entry to the building -- info courtesy: Madhava Rao Adepu
- Library users to have their say - Southwark Council
- Libraries campaigners to have their day in court - Get Surrey
- Two Kinds of Revolution | Peer to Peer Review, By Wayne Bivens-Tatum, Library Journal: the cost-driven revolution and the user-driven revolution
- Library fan hit books, became a librarian, Houston Chronicle
- Op-Ed: Let's Have a Dialogue on Library Changes,
- Themselves in relation to Libraries?
by Bohyun (Library Hat).-- Do library users think of themselves as library “patrons?”
Labels: future of libraries, Users