Library and Information Science Education in India - 100 Year's Celebration & Introspection
William Alanson Borden (1854-1933) in India.Info courtesy: Dr Jaideep Sharma, Dr. Manjunath, Pawan R. Agrawal, Jayant Deshpande, & all others. Image courtesy:
"Borden 's Achievements (US) ... introduced the first library school in the country in 1911, the first school which had ten men and women participants, and which by chance initiated the women's era in the profession too... (p. 157 + see also Index)" Continue reading further in Librarianship and Library Science in India : An Outline of Historical Perspectives, 1994 , by Mohamed Taher and Donald Davis. New Delhi, Concept Publishing Company. -- See also: William Alanson Borden: An Apostle of International Librarianship, by Murari Lal Nagar
1. Guest Ediroial PDF
Jaideep Sharma 2
2. Library and Information Science Educationin India: A Historical Perspective PDF
Krishan Kumar, Jaideep Sharma 3-8
3. Library and Information Science Education in North India PDF
Paramjeet Kaur Walia 9-18
4. Library and Information Science Education in South India: Perspective and Challenges PDF
V.S.R. Varalakshmi 19-31
5. Library and Information Science Education in East and North-East India: Retrospect and Prospects PDF
Pijushkanti Panigrahi 32-47
6. Library and Information Science Education in Maharashtra: A Perspective PDF
Pratibha Gokhale 48-55
7. Short-term Library and Information Science Training Courses in India PDF
G. Mahesh, Narendra Kumar, Dinesh K Gupta 56-60
8. What Ails Doctoral Research in Library and Information Science in India? PDF
M.P. Satija 61-66
9. Library and Information Science Education in India: Some Government Initiatives PDF
Manoj K Joshi 67-73
10. Employability of Library and Information Science Graduates: Competencies Expected versus Taught—A Case Study PDF
Bharat Kumar 74-82
11. e-Learning Library and Information Science: A Pragmatic View for India PDF
Manorama Tripathi, V.K.J. Jeevan 83-90
12. Library and Information Science Education in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh PDF
Prabhjeet Kaur, Paramjeet Kaur Walia 91-96
Sub-themes: These sub-themes are not exhaustive, rather indicative only.On the same shelf:
1 Critical analysis of 100 years of Library education in India
to develop a sustainable vision for future.
2 Relevance of LIS education to job-market.
3 LIS Education - modes and methods
4 LIS Research and publication
5 Continuous Professional Education and Training
6. Impact of ICTs on LIS Education and Research
7. Restructuring of LIS Education
8. Partnership and collaboration
9. Faculty and infrastructural requirements with special
reference to developing learning resources in Indian languages.
10. Accreditation and quality control in LIS Education [source: Dolores' List of CFPs]
Labels: Indica, Library Education, Library history, Library Science