Two News Stories About the USA: Change is Within

- US needs to change lifestyle to save planet: India,
- Tom Friedman's Take On "Wimps" and "The Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys" in Huffington Post
Bottomline from Real Men Tax Ga @ "We are hardly a nation of wimps. Sadly, we have a government that is barely functioning. We have a government class too readily looking after its own interests and those of their campaign paymasters, rather than the nation as a whole. This has not always been the case. The American people are and have shown themselves to be capable of extraordinary accomplishments throughout their history. But today, in this world, given the leadership of other societies, much needs be done to change the way we govern ourselves and the way our government functions." Full story: Real Men Tax Gas, By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN
- See on the same shelf: When did America become a nation of frightened wimps?
Labels: American, Culture, Indo-American
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