The 25 Most Modern Libraries in the World
I found this list of 25 on the Web, and surprisingly it misses, the most important world famous modern library, i.e, Library of Alexandria:
The 25 Most Modern Libraries in the World By Christina Laun @
Extract: "Libraries aren’t just musty places to store books with librarians shushing anyone who makes a peep. They’ve become much more than that and the modern library is often home to sleek architecture and the latest technology. These 25 libraries, in no particular order, demonstrate how libraries have become part of the cutting edge of information management, design and Web technology, and all of them can help you get some ideas on how to bring your library into the future."
My question: Are these ranked? Answer: no! Are these evaluated, nope!--
Reader: You will have to do it.
See also on the same shelf:
- Yes, a few lilbrarians are happy that they are cited:
The 'M' Word - Marketing Libraries: 25 Most Modern Libraries in ...
UCSD Libraries: Geisel Library Named Among 25 Most Modern Libraries
Only one critique of something related: Tame The Web, Dear Fiona (if that IS your name)
- 100 extensive Universities Libraries around the World that anyone can access
- National Library Week: Most Beautiful Libraries Around the World, ABC News
In an effort to highlight the contributions of libraries and library workers, National Library Week kicks off April 14-20. Since its inception in 1958, it has been sponsored by the American Library Association every April . This year's theme is "Communities matter @ your library®."
-- Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; New York Public Library, New York City; Salt Lake City Public Library; Geisel Library; University of California: San Diego; Seattle Central Public Library; Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland; Abbey Library, St. Gallen, Switzerland; Vatican Library, Vatican City; Trinity College Library, Dublin, Ireland
Labels: Canadian Libraries, International, Libraries, Library architecture, Library design